Why PIOAS was created ?
The background
The Problem
Since the beginning of corona virus pandemics hospitals and health care providers have to take COVID-19 infected and possibly infected patients under close health condition surveillance. COVID-19 is a huge threat for rapidly progressive lung injury with possible fatal outcomes, especially in the cases of late treatment. The condition of the lungs should be monitored at least 10 days in order to detect the beginning of respiratory failure. Due to highly increased numbers of patients under monitoring at emergency departments and inpatient ward because of SARS-CoV-2 infection, there is the constant lack of hospital beds. The mortality of COVID-19 patients and illnesses as cancer, heart attack, stroke and other increase more than 3 times.
Now, the pandemics is controlled and numbers of COVID-19 patients dropped from thousands to hundreds per day. However, the increased workload for doctors, the need for constant health surveillance for patients with lungs conditions as lung cancer, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease has stayed.
In short: Overcrowded hospitals emergency rooms and lack of beds in wards for more severe patients. Overcrowded work schedules for doctors and exhaustion due to huge amount of patients.Doctors can’t keep constant and efficient health surveillance when patient is at home. (Increased expanses for governmental health system due to keeping patients in hospital for 7-11 days).
Unique selling points
PIOAS empowers hospitals to reduce beds overload by 2 times and decrease the workload for medical doctors by 50% keeping efficient patient health condition surveillance and smooth data delivery. As well as to save up to 2 bln. eur. annually of health care expanses in EU.
Features: the PIOAS solution is the only one offering easy to use, portable, non-invasive device to monitor COVID-19 patient health condition at home. The solution is designed to be used by patient itself, so there is no need of professional supervision, but doctor gets data through e-health system from device directly. The polymer gel developed to measure illness biomarkers and disposable supplies approach makes whole solution more affordable for low and mid income hospitals. The measurement is 2 to 5 times more accurate than solutions already in the market and if used in hospitals to monitor the patients there instead of home it could study 10 times more patients than equipment used these days. In preventing the death it makes doctor's reaction time 2 times faster.
Short: affordable, non-invasive, easy to use at home or at hospital, portable, e-health system connected health monitoring device empowering to reduce hospital beds overload and doctors workload by 2 times.
Funding and investments

EIT Health RIS Innovation
Supported the proof of concept. EIT Health RIS innovation, PIOAS, The proof of concept of cutting edge solution dedicated to monitor COVID-19 patient's health at home (PIOAS), 2022
Innovation Agency of Lithuania
Supported the first phase of prototype development. Life saving innovations, fighting COVID-19


The best healthcare solution developed at Tech Park Kaunas in 2022

Kaunas, Lithuania
MB Hadroneda
Production of any of the material contained herein in any format or media without the express written permission of PIOAS is prohibited.

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